● 治療費について |
1.治療料金 Treatment Fees 2.オプションメニュー Optional fees 3.キャンセルについて Cancellation policy |
初診料 Initial consultation |
2,160 yen | 初回のみいただきます。 This is charged on your first visit. |
鍼灸/整体 Acupuncture/Bodywork | 7,560yen |
鍼灸と整体を症状に合わせて最適な配分で併用し、身体のバランスをトータルに整えます。骨盤矯正も含まれます。 |
漢方アロマセラピー |
10,800 yen | 個室料金も含まれています。 Fee for a private room is included. |
美顔鍼灸 Facial rejuvenation |
7,560 yen | 顔、頭、手、足、首、肩への鍼灸治療を含みます。 Acupuncture treatment for head, face, arms, legs, neck, shoulders is included. |
再診料 Reassessment Fee |
2,160yen | 3ヶ月以上あいてご来院の際にいただきます。 |
*プライバシーに最大限に配慮した問診と治療を行っております。 We make our best effort to maintain your privacy. Private rooms are available upon request. |
*施術者が治療中にベッドサイドを離れずに、身体の状態や治療への反応を終始注意深く観察することで、より高い治療効果を引き出し、的確な日常生活のアドバイスをできるように心がけています。 We try not to leave you alone on the treatment table during the treatment. By being with you as much as possible, we can communicate with you more, and carefully observe the effect of the treatment to provide the best result. |
We believe that treatment should not be defined by time. Our aim is to treat your condition and, just as we vary the style of treatment for each patient, so the length of treatment varies case by case. Therefore we charge by appointment, not by time. A typical time for the first appointment is about 60-90 minutes, and 40-60 minutes for subsequent treatments. |
*当院では患者様をお待たせしないように完全予約制となっております。ご予約の時間に遅刻されますと、最大限の効果を出すための治療が困難になるため、必ず治療時間の5分前にはご到着くださいますようお願いしております。初診の場合は20分前にお越し下さい。 We accept patients by appointment only. If you are late for the appointment, it makes it difficult for us to provide you with the most effective treatment. Therefore, we ask you to arrive five minutes before the appointment time. For the initial visit, please try to arrive 20 minutes before the appointment time. |