There are three major nervous systems in our body. One is the sensory system, which enables us to feel, one is the motor system, which allows us to move, and the third is the ANS, or autonomic nervous system, which regulates our body’s fundamental systems, such as heart beat, blood pressure, digestion, temperature, sleep and immune system. There are two branches within the ANS: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic branch takes the lead when you are active, while the parasympathetic takes over when you are resting and asleep. The sympathetic creates a “fight or flight” mode, which raises blood pressure and muscle tone. The parasympathetic regulates digestion and sleep. They shift frequently during the day to keep your mind and body functioning properly according to the environment. After sunrise, the sympathetic starts to emerge, and you become active. Around lunchtime, the parasympathetic starts to rise, so you feel hungry, and a little sleepy. Excessive stress or fatigue disrupts the ANS balance, which can result in uncomfortable symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, hypertension, chronic fatigue, constipation, chronic ache, insomnia, or depression. If this becomes severe, it may affect your metabolism and immune system, resulting in serious conditions such as cancer, allergies, or infertility. Acupuncture is known method for balancing the ANS, activating the metabolism and immune system, supporting all-round health and fast recovery from disease. |